“Not flesh of my flesh or bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t grow under my heart, but in it.”
-Fleur Conkling Heylinger
Once your child is home, you will likely be ready to focus your energy on your family after the adoption home study and adoption process, but there are still a few more necessary elements. We will skillfully lead you through the steps toward finalization, help you understand the requirements, and efficiently complete the post-placement reporting.
Why do I need post-placement visits?
Post-placement visits are required for both domestic and international adoptions and must be completed before the adoption is finalized. These visits are designed to make sure both you and your adoptive child are adjusting well and that everyone’s needs are being met appropriately. The number of post-placement visits that are required is determined by the state, country, or program through which you adopt. In North Carolina, this typically involves two post-placement visits, the first occurring within two weeks of the placement and the final about 30 days later.
While the visits may feel intrusive, they are in service of you and your new child—just like you, your social worker and the state want to ensure that your child leads a happy, healthy life.
What will happen during post-placement supervision?
During your visits, your social worker will speak with you about how all family members are settling into their new roles. Information will be gathered about the physical, mental, and emotional condition of your adopted child, their growth and development, their last doctor’s visit, and how they are eating. Further topics of discussion may include the child’s overall mood, how they are interacting with toys, any new interests that have developed, as well as any struggles you may be experiencing with integrating your new family member or as a new parent. These visits also allow you to ask any questions you may have, as well as brag about your new family member!
Your social worker will then report their findings and make a recommendation to the court about whether or not the petition for adoption should be granted.
How do I request post-placement supervision?
After your pre-placement assessment has been approved, you have been matched with an adoption situation and your proposed adoption is pending, it is time to plan for your post-placement assessment.
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